Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! I am looking forward to a healthy and happy school year this year! I’d like to highlight some of the guidelines regarding the health office here at Reardan. Please use this for future reference and let me know if you have any questions.
If your child needs to take medicine of ANY kind during the school day, a medication request form must be filled out for each medication every year, SIGNED BY A LISENCED HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. You can find this form on the district website under documents and forms/health forms. All medications must be supplied in the original or prescription containers. All medications must be kept in the health office. Please do not send any medications to school in baggies or envelopes; they will be discarded.
If your child has a health condition such as asthma, severe allergies, epilepsy, diabetes, or any other major health concern please contact me as soon as possible. All of these conditions require an individualized health care plan on file in order to ensure your child’s safety. All health care forms can be found on our district website under documents and forms/health forms. All health care plans must be signed by a licensed health care provider and renewed every school year. Inhalers, Epi pens, and any other medications related to your child’s health care plan must be checked in with the nurse at the start of the school year. They will be stored in a locked cabinet in the health room, unless there is an order to self-carry.
It is very important that we have current phone numbers and emails!! If you have changed residences or jobs during the summer, please update your phone numbers. If you do not have a phone at home, please provide us with a phone number of a reliable friend or relative that can contact you in an emergency!!
I am in the process of reviewing all immunization records. If your student is missing one or more of the required immunizations and does not have an exemption form on file, you will be receiving a letter home along with a list of the state required immunizations. Students who are not in compliance with Washington State law may be excluded from school. There will be a vaccine clinic this fall for those who are interested.
All students, Kindergarten-3 rd grades and 5 th and 7 th grade students, will be screened for hearing and vision. If you receive a referral letter from me for further care, please have your child evaluated as soon as possible for hearing and/or vision concerns. If you need assistance with this, please contact me so I can assist with this process.
Some guidelines for when you should consider keeping your child home from school:
1. A fever of 100.0 degrees or higher- your child must be fever free for 24hr without Tylenol/ibuprofen before
returning to school.
2. Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
3. Cough, congestions, runny nose, sore throat.
4. Crusty, inflamed red eyes or other signs of contagious eye problems
5. Any communicable diseases (Covid-19, strep throat, impetigo, pink eye, influenza, etc.…)
Occasionally head lice are a problem among school children. Luckily we have not seen many ‘outbreaks’ lately but we have seen cases. Head lice are pesky little critters and are passed only by direct contact with another child’s hair or something used by that child such as a hat or brush. We suggest that you look at your child’s hair at least once a week.
If your child contracts headlice it is important to let the school nurse know.
I look forward to caring for your children during the school day. If you have any questions, you can call me anytime.
Wishing you a healthy and safe school year!!
Shannon Landt, RN